Welcome to the website of the Société des Ingénieurs Arts et Métiers (Arts & Metiers Alumni)
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Step 1: Proof of ENSAM student status
This form can only be used by current ENSAM students.
Additionally, you must:
- have an active firstname.lastname@ensam.eu email account,
- have checked “Acceptez-vous que vos données personnelles soient transmises aux associations d'anciens élèves ?” (Do you agree to the transfer of your personal data to the alumni associations?) at https://lise.ensam.eu/ in “Mon Compte” / “Communiquer mes informations à des tiers”
Note: The propagation of that approval from ENSAM to A&M Alumni is not immediate; our records should be updated once or twice a week, so you may have to wait a few days. If you still cannot register to A&M Alumni eight days or more after having checked the aforementioned box, please write to inscription.etudiant@gadz.org. You will need to provide your ENSAM login, your full name and a description of the issue.
For this first step, please provide your ENSAM login.
You can find that information at https://lise.ensam.eu/ under “Mon compte” / “Mes informations”, in the “Compte informatique et messagerie” section.
An email with further instructions and a link to the next step of the registration will be sent to you, on BOTH your @ensam.eu and personal email addresses (as provided to us by ENSAM).
If you have not received the registration message after 15 minutes, please retry submitting this form.
If that still does not solve the issue, please write to inscription.etudiant@gadz.org. You will need to provide your ENSAM login, your full name and a description of the issue.
This form can only be used by current ENSAM students.
Additionally, you must:
- have an active firstname.lastname@ensam.eu email account,
- have checked “Acceptez-vous que vos données personnelles soient transmises aux associations d'anciens élèves ?” (Do you agree to the transfer of your personal data to the alumni associations?) at https://lise.ensam.eu/ in “Mon Compte” / “Communiquer mes informations à des tiers”
Note: The propagation of that approval from ENSAM to A&M Alumni is not immediate; our records should be updated once or twice a week, so you may have to wait a few days. If you still cannot register to A&M Alumni eight days or more after having checked the aforementioned box, please write to inscription.etudiant@gadz.org. You will need to provide your ENSAM login, your full name and a description of the issue.
For this first step, please provide your ENSAM login.
You can find that information at https://lise.ensam.eu/ under “Mon compte” / “Mes informations”, in the “Compte informatique et messagerie” section.
An email with further instructions and a link to the next step of the registration will be sent to you, on BOTH your @ensam.eu and personal email addresses (as provided to us by ENSAM).
If you have not received the registration message after 15 minutes, please retry submitting this form.
If that still does not solve the issue, please write to inscription.etudiant@gadz.org. You will need to provide your ENSAM login, your full name and a description of the issue.